Was Lost, Now Found in Translation: 'La Grande Vadrouille'

Where is Big Moustache?
I don’t know... and if you don’t know, I don’t know, non?
I don’t understand!
You... you come with me to pick up Peter.
Non, you... you come with me to pick up Macintosh.
No no no, you, you.
I beg your pardon but I don't understand.
And if you don't come, I... I... (to himself, unable to keep up in English) Ah merde - alors, comment on dit...!
Mais comment ça ‘merde alors’! But alors... (quietly taken aback) you are French!
You are not English?

Silly delights for today, Augustin and Stanislas at the Turkish baths (here looking for Terry-Thomas, who else), a classic scene of humorous translation, coding, and misunderstanding, and no better comic pair than Bourvil and Louis either :’) from one of my favourite WWII comedies, “La Grande Vadrouille/Don’t Look Now, But We’re Being Shot At” (1966) Xo

(Also, am I the only one who appreciates the stupidly amusing fact that I've somehow fit two, maybe three, four pop/culture references in the post title? John Newton, U2, Sofia Coppola/idiom, Milton? Just me? Bueller? Probably just me, not even Bueller to be fair.)
